We have immense amount of experience in acting for a number of charities and not for profit organisations. We advise charities, non-profits and philanthropists on a variety of legal issues including governance and setting up a charity in the UK. Our in-depth knowledge of the sector means that our advice encompasses not just the legal issues, but also the practicalities of managing a charity, so that, once formed, it can be run smoothly.
We make sure that our charity clients comply with the regulatory framework, at the same time, enabling us to assist charities when things do not go as planned, because they are subject to increasing regulatory control and therefore require specialist legal and commercial advice to ensure full compliance.
We advise on all kinds of non-profit and public interest organisations, including campaigning groups, government departments, local government, non-departmental public bodies, trade associations, trade unions and others.
We provide the following services:
- Registration of new organisations with the Charity Commission
- Public benefit requirements
- Governance
- Bespoke constitutions
- Legacy management and legacy disputes
- Data protection and other information law
- Dissolving a Charity
- Incorporation of charitable companies
- Registration with HM Revenue & Customs
- Legal structure for new civil society organisations